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Bayou Shifters: Chase Page 6
Bayou Shifters: Chase Read online
Page 6
“It’s not just a bunch of words, Chase. It’s a fact. They don’t come any colder or harder.”
“Says you.”
Martin nodded in agreement. “Me, the wolf. Even O’Grady if you could get old Rex to venture an opinion about it at all.”
Chase rolled over into anger, quick as lightning. “Fine. Whatever. I’ll be the good stooge and sit down so you can get on with whatever torture you have in mind. I can take it.” He sat then, his legs splayed out, his hands resting on his thighs. He rocked slightly as if he simply couldn’t be still.
Martin stripped off his shirt and set it on the table. “I won’t have to do a thing. You’ll do it for me.”
“Oh yeah? Then why am I still here?”
Casper wasn’t sure if he was trying to convince Martin or himself with this show of bravado. Didn’t matter. Chase had a lot of life left in him. A lot of spirit. He’d be fine.
Assuming he didn’t mind getting a new fur coat out of the deal.
Explain the rest. Now.
Chase must have heard the command because he glanced over at him, then went back to Martin. “What did the talking rug say?”
“He wants me to spell out your options.”
Chase crossed his legs at the ankles. “I’m listening.”
Martin chose a spot on the floor to put him on Chase’s level. Casper got up on all fours, stretched, and then settled on his haunches next to Martin. Together we stand.
Martin flashed him a smile before he continued. “Right now, you’re as close to being two separate entities as one person can be, the human side that you’ve lived with all your life and the animal side you’ve never known.”
“All the more reason to keep it locked away.”
“It’s not going to stay hidden just because you don’t feel like dealin’ with it. It’ll eat you alive, literally. If you’re lucky, you’ll go mad first. You have to accept what you are, the animal as well as the man, if you want to survive.”
“I’m already nuts. This conversation proves it.” Chase pinned his gaze to the ceiling.
Casper wanted to lunge for his exposed throat. Bite it. Lick it. Rest his teeth against it and make Chase submit to the inevitable.
Martin settled his arm around his furry shoulders. It didn’t help calm his need. He wanted Chase to shift almost as badly as the beast inside Chase did. Then he could teach the man-pup what “doggy-style” had going for it.
“Why fight what you know to be true?” Martin asked Chase.
“Truth? We’re talking about me becoming a dog. It’s not normal.”
Martin’s voice softened to a sympathetic rumble. “For most people, I’d agree with you. You’re not most people anymore. You never really were. It just took this long for your body to start figuring that out.”
Sadness shadowed Chase’s expression. “Jackie always knew I was different. She loved me anyway.” He brushed his hand over his face. “I don’t think she’d love me now.”
“Who’s Jackie?”
Casper wanted to hear the answer to that question too. He would bet his life on the fact that Chase was gay, one hundred percent. Who was this important woman in his life?
“She’s my sister. My best friend. My business partner.” Chase hung his head. “Was, I should say. I left her back in Tacoma, but somehow she managed to track me here. I can’t let her find me, not like this.”
“It won’t always be like this. It gets easier. Some weres have families, jobs. A real life.”
And some don’t. Casper didn’t need the trappings of humans, didn’t want them. Only time would tell what kind of life would suit Chase best.
“I can’t be what I was. I can’t go back.” Chase’s voice shook, on the verge of tears.
“No,” Martin agreed softly. “You can’t go back. You can go on though. Let us help you do that.”
Chase paled. “Wait! Jackie! Oh my God. It just occurred to me. This might happen to her too.”
“What makes you think that?”
“It’s happening to me, isn’t it? And she’s my twin.”
Martin shook his head. “She’s a fraternal twin rather than an identical one. In that case, it’s a genetic crap shoot. Even within the same generation, some will get Bayou Fever, as you did. The urge to run off to the swamp and be one with the jungle. Others will never feel the call at all.”
“Just my luck, eh?” Chase’s brow furrowed with worry. “Am I going to remember her? I mean — and I really can’t believe I’m saying this — assuming I do shift, will I remember Jackie?”
Martin nodded. “You won’t lose any of your memories. Instead, you’ll gain a lot of new skills. You’ll still be human. You’ll also be somethin’ more.”
“I can’t believe I’m actually starting to buy into this.”
“Once you shift, there’ll be no denyin’ it.”
Casper hoped that would be the case. Many tried to pass off their wolf form as a drug-induced hallucination. That would leave his spirit divided, unable to function well as man or beast.
Chase peered up at Martin through his sweat-damp hair. “So what would I have to do? If I wanted to shift, I mean.”
“Let it happen.”
“That’s it?”
Martin shrugged. “Pretty much. The first time, there’s no controllin’ it. It just… happens.”
“When? How?”
“When your body’s ready. How, well, that’s a bit trickier. Usually when you least expect it. Durin’ a fight, or in the middle of some really hot sex.”
“So you plan to beat me into shifting? Is that the plan?” His hands curled into fists. “Don’t think I’ll make it easy for you.”
“He’s a hellion, this one,” Martin said under his breath.
With good reason, Casper reminded him. Remember the pressure he’s under.
“Just make sure you’re out of range when he explodes.”
Chase suddenly looked as if he were strapped to a pound of dynamite and someone had lit the fuse. “I’m gonna what?”
“Damn, you’ve got good ears.” Martin chuckled. “Don’t worry. We’ve done this before. We’ll take care of you.”
“Great. That makes me feel so much better.”
“No, it won’t really get better until you shift.” Martin crossed his arms over his bare chest. “So what’s it gonna be, Chase? Fuck or fight?”
Chapter 9 — Come and Get It
Chase groaned as another wave of lust assaulted him. His body already knew the answer, even if his mind was slow to come around. “Fuck you,” he growled.
“I approve.” Martin pulled a workbench stool over and set it under one of the dim bulbs, just out of Chase’s reach. “Fighting always leads to bloodshed, and you already know how I feel about that.”
The wolf made a soft woofing noise as he shifted position. Can’t fight, that’s why.
“Stuff it, fur face. My fists have saved your ass more than once.”
When used for pleasure, maybe.
Chase wondered again about the relationship between man and wolf. Never mind the fact that he now understood the wolf as though he were speaking plain English. “So what’s this going to be? Some kind of animal porn? Show me how real wolves fuck, and I’ll get so horny to do it doggy style that I’ll actually become a dog?”
Martin shook his head as he took another trip to the dim recess of the room. “Something like that, although I’m not into puppy play.”
“What are you into?” Chase was so incredibly hard his shaft had to have zipper teeth imprinted on the skin by now, and Martin hadn’t done anything but talk and walk. It wouldn’t take more than a stiff breeze to set him off. How was he going to avoid looking like a horny pre-teen in front of these guys? Why did he even care what these two thought of his sexual prowess?
“A good blow job, with tight suction and those slurpy noises that means my partner wants my cum bad,” the doctor informed him, unabashedly.
Martin returned to the column of light w
ith a bowl in his hand. With his free fingers he released the button at the waist of his shorts and shimmied them off. Standing in nothing but a pair of navy bikini briefs, he reached into the bowl, then brought a hand to his chest, rubbing it in circles, leaving a trail of wetness behind.
Ice. The man was teasing himself with an ice cube. Oh, fuck.
Chase’s mind fuzzed over into full lust. He panted, wanting badly to chase that wet trail with his tongue, to taste the man.
“What about you, Chase? What are you into?” Martin asked, his voice a little deeper. His fingers guided the ever-shrinking cube over his nipples which pebbled into tight points.
“Come over here, and I’ll show you,” Chase tossed back.
“Show me what you’ve got and I’ll consider coming over.”
Was that a slight emphasis on coming? Chase didn’t much care. This wasn’t about Martin’s gratification. It wasn’t even about his own. It was about purging the lust from his system so he could have a clear head to figure a way out of this mess. He was so desperate to fuck that his skin itched. Being free of the restrictive clothing would definitely help.
He shucked his shorts and underwear in one sinuous movement, then kicked them up the chain as far as they’d go so they wouldn’t get tangled in his feet when he moved. He planted his hands on his hips, his erection jutting out in a sexual salute. “Come and get it.”
“Hmmm, impressive,” Martin murmured.
The wolf gave a confirming yip as he retreated into the shadows at the back of the room. Though mostly hidden now, his presence grated against Chase’s consciousness. Wolf, wolf, wolf… The word echoed through his mind, audible over the heavy pounding of blood flowing through his veins.
Chase’s right hand dropped to his shaft, stroking the length lightly. “So what are you waiting for?”
Martin tossed the remains of the ice in his hand toward the wolf, who lapped at it with a long pink tongue. Things that tongue had done to him so recently coursed over his skin like an electric current. Chase didn’t know what it was that made the memory so powerful, but it came back to him as if it were happening all over again.
“Know the purpose of a teaser mare?” Martin removed another piece of ice from the bucket, swirled it over his torso and then grazed down his chest to dampen his cock where it poked out from the waistband of his tiny briefs. The rosy blush of the sensitive tip deepened and glistened under the light. “They arouse the stallion with a less expensive mare to take the brunt of his lust so that when the brood mare is put in front of him, he’s ready to go.”
“If you think I’m going to shift for a woman…”
Martin choked on the ice cube he’d just put in his mouth. Even the wolf gave a derisive snort. “No, no. Of course not. My point is that you can look all you want, but you can’t touch me. And, uhhh, as much as I like you, I won’t be touching you either, Chase.”
They weren’t going to play? “It’s not nice to tease the animals,” he said with a hard edge. He couldn’t help but be aroused by the sensual vision Martin presented. Chase’s hips were pumping rhythmically now, pushing his erection through his loose fist. Pre-cum oozed from the slit in a steady stream. He could come in a matter of seconds, but it was becoming a point of honor to hold out longer than the good doctor. Perhaps the only point of honor he had left.
“Trust me, it’s far kinder than the alternatives,” Martin muttered grimly.
Martin slid his hand under the elastic band of his underwear and cupped his balls. His fingers had to be cold from holding the ice. The thought of chilly digits stroking his sac hardened Chase to the point of pain.
On top of his own towering lust, his nose picked up on the arousal of another. Casper. Whether it was the sight of Chase masturbating like a virtuoso or Martin’s erotic teasing that aroused the creature, Chase didn’t know. It was certainly curious though. Why was the wolf so interested in human sex?
And why am I just as captivated by the wolf as I am Martin?
Before the ball of disgust could lodge in his belly, another flare of desire pushed it away. Fur or flesh, Chase didn’t much care. He just wanted to come, and come hard. A deep growl burst from his chest as he struggled to control his powerful, mind-consuming craving.
“Can you feel it, Chase? Do you feel the wild need to rut? Is it really a man you want now, or the teeth and furry ass of your four-footed friend?” Martin taunted.
“You. Want you.” His legs were shaking. He could barely stand. He used every remaining bit of strength he had left to hold off his orgasm.
“But you can’t have me, Chase.”
I can.
Chase glanced in the direction of the wolf. He decided his eyes were playing tricks on him. The outline of the beast was shifting, expanding. Casper stood on four feet, then on two. His muzzle shortened. Limbs lengthened, hair disappeared. In a matter of moments, he was looking at a man.
A naked man.
Who had just seconds before been a freakin’ wolf.
How fucked up was that?
“You’re one of them… one of the werewolves?” Chase croaked out through his dry throat.
Casper stuck to the dark corner of the room so Chase couldn’t see much of his face, or the rest of him for that matter. Just a vague outline, and the impression of muscled strength.
“I am.” The voice was rough, scratchy, and not entirely human. “Martin?”
Martin stood and backed up a step but didn’t turn to look at his friend. “I’m all yours.”
A dark chuckle rolled out in a tangible caress. It hit Chase low in his belly and settled there, leaving him feeling intoxicated. “What about me?”
Casper’s arms wrapped around Martin’s stomach and drew him back against his chest. His hands roamed the broad expanse of Martin’s pecs and belly. “Wolf first.”
“You’ll take him like a man, but I get treated like an animal?”
“Better that way,” Casper muttered.
Martin relaxed with his hands at his sides, letting Casper keep his body on the edge of orgasm by stroking his cock with one hand while he plucked his nipples with the other. Moaning, he added, “You can shift. I can’t, or he’d make me shift to play too. More beast than man, this one.”
Wild, untamed fucking. Chase could see it all unfold in his mind. How Casper would hunt him down like a dog and teach him a lesson about raw, animalistic passion. Chase wanted that so badly right now… and yet on the deepest emotional level he still shied away from anything that would strip away his last vestiges of humanity. He was no rutting beast!
“Don’t you want it, Chase?” Martin taunted. “Don’t you want to know what it would feel like to have his dick pounding into your ass?”
Chase growled. “Yes!”
Martin widened his stance by inches, just enough for Casper to slip his thick erection between Martin’s meaty thighs. Chase could only see the glistening tip when it nudged out from under Martin’s balls. More so, he could smell the heady scent of sex in the air.
“Want to change places with me?” Martin asked him.
“Then shift, Chase. That’s all you have to do. Shift, and your ass will belong to him.”
“I’m not an animal,” Chase replied through lips now dry from panting. “Man.”
“You’re both. Accept it,” Casper said in his blunt manner.
Casper did something that made Martin’s eyes roll back in his head. Chase couldn’t tell what he’d done, and jealousy burned through him. Casper should be his, damn them! He was the one in pain. He was the one who needed release. He was the one who loved…
“Coming,” Martin grunted.
Red hot rage poured through Chase as he watched Martin lose his load. Cum splattered across the earthen floor at his feet as his cock jerked in Casper’s expert grip.
A firestorm burned through Chase’s veins and his body started to cramp painfully. Pleasure bubbled up through the pain, as if his body couldn’t decide whether to finish th
e orgasm brewing in his balls or simply combust from unrelieved lust.
“Bend over,” Casper ordered to Martin.
Martin did more than that. He dropped to his knees, gasping for air as his body continued to shake with the aftershocks of orgasm. Casper too kneeled on the ground. His face remained hidden in the shadows, but Chase had a splendid view of his massive erection when it dipped between Martin’s legs.
“Take me, take me,” Chase pleaded, no longer caring how desperate he sounded. He pumped his cock through his hand feverishly. Sweat poured over his skin as though the muscles were bunching up so tight that they were wringing the moisture from his body. The tendons and ligaments were stretched so tight he thought they’d snap in the next second if something else didn’t give first…
“Let the wolf out to play, Chase,” Martin urged him.
“Fuck,” Casper said sharply. “Fuck you good, pup.”
And yet it was Martin who was about to receive Casper’s cock. Martin who was about to be fucked within an inch of his life. Chase burned with rage… and desire…
Sharp pain split him open. Chase cried out as he felt his body shred. Muscle and tissue ripped apart only to reform and rip again. The pleasurable rush of orgasm buffeted him against the worst of it, but it was still agony. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t even breathe. His own heartbeat drowned out every other sound in the room until finally he collapsed on the floor in a pool of his own sweat and semen.
His muzzle sank toward the ground to nestle in his front paws, and then, before he could even begin to analyze the total wrongness of that, Chase passed out.
Chapter 10 — A Changed Man
It took Chase several days to get used to shifting. Intense emotion still tended to trigger the change between forms, and Casper was proving adept at manipulating his emotions. Chase had to admit the werewolf was an excellent teacher though. Nightly they roamed the swamp in lupine form so Casper could give him a crash course in how to take his place in the animal kingdom.
It wasn’t easy. His human thoughts often intruded when he needed to focus on being a wolf, and vice versa. Martin assured him this was a good thing, allowing both halves of himself to blend into one united creature. Chase wasn’t so sure about that.