Tagged Page 2
He nodded. “Greased before…”
“Pretty sure of me, were you?” For some reason, that notion made Chade more aroused than angry.
“I usually get what I want,” Evander replied with a cheeky grin.
“And what is it you want now?”
“Your dick in my ass.”
“Will this do?” Chade thrust one finger into Evander’s slickened hole. His thumb pressed against his perineum.
Evander’s eyelids fell to half mast. “Hmm… that’s a start.” His pale hands swept up his own chest and plucked at his nipples as he kept his gaze locked on Chade.
Chade added another finger to the Fae’s tight channel, and Evander bucked his hips. His internal muscles tightened around Chade’s fingers. “More. Please.”
Sliding his fingers in and out, Chade stretched him. His own cock rhythmically beat against his stomach, leaving dots of pre-cum on his skin. As soon as he sank into Evander’s tight heat, it would all be over. Chade wanted to put that moment off as long as possible.
He buried his nose in the satiny skin surrounding Evander’s dick. His tongue snaked out to lick the smooth sac, tugging on the skin until Evander groaned. The blond’s heels dug into the back of Chade’s thighs, urging him closer.
Chade delighted in the noises coming from the Fae. So much so that he started to tremble from holding back. “Gonna fuck you…”
“Yes. Please. Now,” Evander panted.
Evander made it easy, spreading himself wide. Chade entered him slowly. He reveled in the feeling of sinking his dick into the Fae’s burning heat. Inch by inch.
“So good. Don’t stop,” Evander mumbled.
Chade could tell how much the Fae loved the joining of their bodies just by the muscular contractions squeezing his cock and drawing it in. “Mmmmm. Hot and tight.”
Once the Fae’s limber body adjusted to the invasion, Chade began to flex his hips. Evander’s blue eyes sparkled with passion as he met Chade’s thrusts halfway, angling his body for the best fit. Chade watched raptly as his dick invaded the blond’s tight channel, retreated, and then sank in deep again. They quickly fell into a speedy rhythm. They mixed like fire and water, creating a palpable steam heat that rose up from their bodies into the night sky along with the fragrant smoke from the campfire. The rasps of their heavy breathing echoed through the clearing.
Pleasure pounded through Chade’s body with each hammering heartbeat. It coalesced into a tangible ball so intense that it bordered on pain deep in his gut.
He twined his fingers with Evander’s on the grass beside his head. Their dual moans were silenced as their mouths met in another hungry kiss.
“Come on, Evander, give it up. Come for me,” Chade bit out. He was on the verge of orgasm and he was determined to see his partner come before he did.
“You first,” the Fae replied. His voice was almost pleading and his cocky grin was absent. Chade considered that a small victory in itself.
“Not this time. I want to watch you break apart in my arms.” Chade slid one hand in between their bodies and wrapped his fingers around Evander’s cock. He stroked the long shaft in sharp jerks. Clear pre-cum oozed over his fingers. As he’d suspected, Evander couldn’t hold out long.
“Oh, fuck,” the blond grated out as his body arched up in release. Jets of white fluid spattered against Chade’s chest. His wings fluttered against the ground. The chill wind howled around them, except to Chade it seemed as if it came from his lover’s throat rather than through the surrounding trees.
Evander’s internal contractions squeezed his dick in a tight grip. Chade barely had time to take a breath before climax burst that ball of tension inside him. He fell forward, onto Evander’s body, and thrust deep with each rolling wave of pleasure that rippled through him.
“Good, so good,” Evander said, running his fingers through Chade’s hair. “I knew you would be.”
Chade would have seconded that, but his energy fled with the last of his orgasm. Gasping for air, he slumped to the ground. It took a second for his senses to return and to realize he was dead weight upon Evander’s body. “Sorry,” he said, turning to his side. His cock slipped from Evander’s body and the suddenly cold air had a chilling effect on that most sensitive area.
Evander rolled against him, sharing the heat that still poured off him. “Sorry it’s over?”
Chade chuckled. “That too.”
It was too cold to wash up in the ocean, and his limbs were too numb from exertion to carry him back to the house. Evander didn’t look to be in a hurry to go anywhere either, so Chade drew the blanket around their bodies and spooned against the smaller man. The Fae was as good at cuddling as he was at sex, and soon Chade drifted off into a contented sleep.
* * *
Chade wasn’t entirely surprised when he woke alone the next morning. Disappointed, but not surprised.
He got to his feet and stretched, working the kinks out of his muscles that weren’t very happy about spending hours on the cold, rocky ground. Looking around, he spotted his clothes. Someone had picked them up and folded them neatly on top of the rocks surrounding the campfire that still glowed with hot embers so they would be warm when he put them on.
The thoughtfulness was touching, Chade decided. He picked up his warm jeans and jacket, and put them on. He didn’t bother with the shirt or underwear as he’d have to shower as soon as he got inside. But when he reached into his pocket for his house keys, he found something else instead. A necklace, and a note card.
Chade…I couldn’t have had a better partner for this round of Tag. You’ll haunt my dreams for months to cum.
-- E.
A military-style dog tag hung from the chain. The letter E had been engraved upon it, and on the reverse was the date.
Smiling, Chade put it on, wondering if next time he’d be the quarry or the hunter… and who would get Tagged next.
Kira Stone
Kira Stone lives in a warm, many-chambered cave tucked away in the Scottish Highlands. A small band of ever-changing heroes keeps her company. As they relax in front of a roaring fire, devils dance and angels sing her bawdy songs. Faerie folk often stop in for a cup of mulled wine and to listen to her spin a yarn or two. And when daylight turns to dusk, together they somehow find a way to keep the cold, uncaring world at bay for another night…
Okay, maybe not. LOL. When Kira isn’t living in a fantasy world, she’s writing about one from her ordinary house in Ohio with a few feline companions (who don’t sing nearly as well as the angels do). Is it any wonder she prefers the cave? You can check out Kira’s website at http://www.kirastonebooks.com, or join her Yahoo! group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kirastonebooks.